Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Talking is easy but doing it in real life is hard

You can talk.Everyone can talk

You can talk things as high as mountain

but to do what you are talking in real life is hard

Practical is more harder than talking

Let's say you want to build a business and become millionaire

It's easy to talk.

In reality you cant even make a thousand dollar.

How many millionaire is there?

You want to be rich but you don't do it in real life.

You need to have the guts to built your own business.

I know you can dream big, but you need to dream small first before you expand it

Start building your business small, you have another 30 years of your life to expand it

Seriously 30 years is a really long time to expand your business

Start slowly , one by one , step by step , carefully and detail

You'll realize that building a business is like writing on a piece of paper only need to work

Practical makes your paper work perfect

Then you know demand and supply around you

Start doing it in real life not just talking and do nothing

Put an effort to your work , only then you can see the result

Do you complain?

How many of you keep complaining about things around you.

If you want to be success.Stop complaining

Just do it

Rather than complaining things, start solving the problems

Rather than complaining things, try to figure a way out

Rather than complaining things, try to praise the problem in good way

Rather than complaining things, try to say the problem is easy to solve

You will feel much better this way

Try to take a good breath and start solving the problem gradually , the problem is only for a while only

Take things easy make your life easy

When you stop complaining

Good things will eventually comes

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Be businessman or be workers ?

When there is business , there is job
When there is no business , there is no job

So even if you had a degree, it's hard to get a job with higher salary

Even if you had a job , you have to make million dollar profit into the company
and earn a little income

Then if you cant help the company to earn profit , you'll be sack 
from the company or work in lower position

That's why most people start building a company rather than being a worker

Conclusion, built your own company whereby you earn the most profit
and your workers struggle for the company

Even a small company can grow big , so be patient 
profit will come

What you give to the company , you'll get back

Create the ultimate company and your company will earn the ultimate profit

What is money

The money you use everyday holds gold and silver.

Everyday you are buying products using gold and silver.

What I am trying to say is that

we are using barter system everyday , meaning you trade a product for a product

The reason you are call millionaire is because you choose the right millionaire product


600 thousand price of a house , 200 thousand price of a car , 200 thousand inventory

so you are worth 1 million dollar.. makes you millionaire

you can still have a product worth 1 million dollar.. but psychological fact you are not millionaire

For example I have rice worth 1 million dollar

or I have chicken worth 1 million dollar

or I have cow worth 1 million dollar

It doesn't make you millionaire

To be millionaire you need the right product 

So use your money wisely, rich people buy the right product