Are you the ultimate messenger?
Everyone is a messenger, whether you like it or not, you are
born to be the messenger
Even all the prophets are sent by the gods to be the
Only the prophets sent god message, compare to human being
President, teacher, lecturer, prime minister and all other
leader talk message to the people
They all are greatest messenger,
So what does a normal person do? They listen to the message
and spread the words.
Some words are strong, and some words are weak, some words
are good and some words are evil
We choose the message. Even the products we use every day
like coca cola, Pepsi, and Microsoft.
We use their product because someone spread the word of
using the product. Same goes to religion;
Someone spread the word to follow the religion.
The circle of spreading message will go on since the day we
exist until the day we die.
One message can change the world into a better place, and
one message can destroy everything.
Even artist are a good messenger. We act and be like them
because of the message.
Are you the ultimate messenger? If you are , you’ll be