Sunday, October 7, 2012


3. Energy
Music change dressing
Dressing change personality
And personality change the way you are

-You need to choose your music very well
-Hip hop listener will eventually change hip hop dressing then eventually will change personality
-Trance listener will eventually change trance dressing then eventually will change personality
-Techno listener will eventually change techno dressing then eventually will change personality
-Rock listener will eventually change rock dressing then eventually will change personality
-Religion music listener will eventually change dressing religion dressing then eventually will change personality
-The ultimate Music can put a great Joy, excitement, happiness, trill, contented
-If you are building a team, use ultimate music so that your team will get the ultimate energy
-A good energy can actually boost your team capability
-You need to know, what music you listen will change who you are
-Be more energetic with your beloved song
-Using this way, it can actually destroy the negative side of you

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